The Bear presents on May 18, 2018
LOST & FOUND: stories of searching
"Not until we are lost, do we begin to understand ourselves." Henry David Thoreau
Prepare a 5-7 minute personal, true story delivered without notes on the theme searching:
Get lost and end up someplace better; find a roadblock and lose your dream; find love and lose yourself; lose a job and find a new career; lose a fight and find a compromise; lose time and find your sanity; lose your keys and add them to that long list of "never found yet".
Tales of losing & finding and the obstacles in between.
multi-talented musician and composer Victoria Priest weaves the Bear stories into a musical collage of poesie and fun.
May 18, 2018
7:30pm Doors open | 8:00pm Stories begin
With show hosts: Dyane Neiman with Michael Rost
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