The Bear presents
CHEATING: rule-breaking stories
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." - Katharine Hepburn
Parking in a disabled space, smoking in the elevator, wearing a bathing suit in the German sauna; hiding test answers, plagiarizing a college thesis; stealing research, candy, spouses; telling fibs and fables; making fakes and foulplay; sinful indulges, selfish impulses, senseless deviations, devilish deception. All the creative ways you bent the boundaries.
This is the month to "Bear Your Soul." What's said in the room, stays in the room.
Tell us your 7-minute tale of breaking the rules.
With live music from the live music from the singer, pianist, composer, ukulele player and accordeonist Victoria Priester
7:30pm Doors & Bär Bar open | 8:00pm Stories begin
We come together every month as strangers, and leave somehow connected by our shared human experience. Join us for a heartwarming, amusing, and inspiring evening at The Bear.