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THE bEAR presents JUMP! - stories of dare

  • THE BEAR at Danzigerstr50 50 Danziger Straße Berlin, BE, 10435 Germany (map)

Woman wearing yellow short and jeans almost jumping into a river with a bungee cord attached to her body.

UPCOMING Open Stage Show

“ I was in New Zealand and met this girl. Her sister dared me to bungee jump, so I did! It was a spur-of-the-moment decision - I wanted to impress the girl, and it worked! We were in a relationship after that.”

―  Theo James

Join us for another evening of prepared 5-minute stories, spontaneous anecdotes, improvised music duos, and simply a lovely time with fellow human beings. The evening tends to be mostly in English, and some stories in German. Stories are all true, personal and told without notes.

Prepare a 5-minute story exploring JUMP, in the most unexpected ways. Here are some triggers to get you started: Jump into cold water, jump on the bandwagon, jump for joy, jump off the page, jump ship, jump out of your skin, jump at an opportunity, jump in with both feet, jump to conclusions, jump down someone’s throat, jump the gun …

Tell us about a time when you skipped the step by step part and dared to do it in one big jump.

You may be voted the audience’s Favorite Story of the evening and be invited to the Eve of the Champs to take place in November during the True Story Fest ‘22.


The Bear is made possible by the generous donations & ticket sales of our audience, the heartwarming contributions of our storytellers, and the committed work of our core team of volunteers, as well as, the non-profit organization THE BEAR e.V., and our partner